Why Tea? Why Not Tea ;-)
This is an attempt to summarize my whole life ... to possibly explain how I landed where I am. spoiler ... I am thrilled to be where I am. Heart.
If you asked my best childhood friend, Tina, she would say at least two things about me. First, that I have been mixing things, sometimes very odd things, since day one... whether it was the wacky (all but the kitchen sink) chip dip or smooshing a Kit Kat in the center of a flaky, buttery croissant... mixing was always happening if I was around
Secondly, she would say that I never take things at face value.
She might also say that I've always been... well... a little different than the average resident of the small town where we grew up.
My desire to mix things wasn't relegated to things I put in my mouth. Mixing genres in my musical pursuits was a common annoyance to my teachers and heck, I even wore graphic t-shirts with fancy skirts way before Chelsey Handler made it cool.
If I'm being honest, I always thought I would be a clothing designer but the fashion industry being what it is, I could never quite get past the .... well there are many things to get past... but I digress ;) I did try to make a go of it as an indie clothing designer when I lived in Brooklyn but I focused more on the art of the one of a kind masterpiece than the fact that I could only sell it for $55 at a summer market in the park. Marketing principles be damned.
To say that I am a free spirit might be a bit of an understatement and falling in line has never been my forte... I would tell you to ask my ex-marine father but he passed away a few years back.
Part of the my chosen non-traditional path meant I would spend a lot of my time working in restaurants. Even though I have a business degree, I decided to go to art school in my late 20s to pursue a creative life. I have spent many decades in the restaurant industry and quite a few years in skin care and wellness. I have belonged to a food coop in every city that I have lived in.
All this to say .... there have been a series of fits and starts in my entrepreneurial pursuits and nothing really stuck. Last year when faced with turning 50, I promised myself that this time I would choose an industry that was exciting to me and where I could meld my talents and my interests with the hope of helping humans. This time is was success or bust ... I never quite understood that sentiment before then.
I am thrilled to be making these inspired and delicious tea blends and integrating my love for audio visual design. It is my sincere hope that my efforts are helpful to folks and that the benefits far exceed any profits made. To be super transparent, I do want to make a profit ... so I can stay in business ... hurray to the dreamers!!
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